American Donations
Your secure online donation to Jewish Fiction .net will be transmitted through Jewish Creativity International / the Center for Jewish Culture & Creativity, which is a registered charitable organization in the United States. Thank you very much for your generosity. It is greatly appreciated.
Canadian Donations
You can make a secure online donation here to Jewish Fiction .net, which is an educational/cultural project of the Canadian Foundation for Pioneering Israel (CFPI), a registered Canadian charitable organization. Using the link below, you can donate through "Canada Helps," which will issue an official receipt for income tax purposes. This link will take you to the CFPI page at "Canada Helps," and once you're there, scroll down to the box labelled "Apply your donation to a specific fund set up by this charity" and click on the "Jewish Fiction .net" option. Thank you so much for your donation. It is greatly appreciated.
International Donations
Your secure online donation to Jewish Fiction .net will be transmitted through PayPal, which also includes an option to donate with a credit card. Thank you so much for your donation. It is greatly appreciated.